Mida tasub õppida? Soovitused koolilõpetajale
Koolilõpetamiste aeg on käes. Mida tasub edasi õppida, et eriala pakuks põnevust, palk küündiks ministri omani (või isegi ületaks seda) ning tööd jaguks ka aastakümnete pärast? Soovitusi jagab Manpoweri personalipartner Renata Keva.
Hindame nutikat maailma, kus majad kütavad end ise, autod sõidavad ise, arved maksavad end ise, aga ei mõtle liiga sageli, et olukorras, kus kõike juhib arvuti, oleme haavatavamad kui kunagi varem. Juba täna otsitakse küberturbe eksperte taga tikutulega ja professionaalsemad neist teenivad rohkem kui president või peaminister. Mida nutikamaks me maailma teeme, seda rohkem läheb selle valdkonna inimesi tarvis, tööpuudust pole kindlasti põhjust peljata.
Manpower Estonia is a member of American Chamber of Commerce Estonia (AmCham Estonia). On April 20, AmCham Estonia members gathered for the Annual General Meeting 2017. On second half of the meeting Zane Culkstena (CEO of Erda) and Heigo Kaldra (CEO of Manpower Estonia) addressed such burning topics as "How to attract and retain talents in the rapidly changing age of digitization and skills revolution". Manpower´s CEO Heigo Kaldra presentation was on topic “The Skills Revolution: Up- & Reskilling, Employability & Learnability”. Here are some important thoughts from session.
Learnability Will Be The World’s Great Equalizer In This Age of Acceleration
Changes in the world of work are accelerating at a pace and scale never seen before. Technology continues to disrupt, creating new jobs and radically changing others. At ManpowerGroup, we believe businesses have a respons […]
Important! This post is updated every now and then with even more tips!
You can find the useful blog post HERE. It gives a thorough overview of what and where you need to do when moving to Estonia and finding a job. It mainly focuses on IT sector but it will be surely of great help for others too!
Also, to welcome all the newcomers and help them settle in smoothly, Estonian Investment Agency has published a special handbook “Destination: Estonia – Relocation Guide”. Check it out HERE.
Among many other things you will probably need a local bank account. Here you can find more about it (what you need for this and what needs to be done).
All our job offers are available on our homepage: www.manpower.ee
Useful tip: Like us on Facebook and follow us on LinkedIn to easily keep an eye on our freshest job offers and other useful information!
Keep yourself updated a […]
Are robots more valuable than humans? As we make our way through this digitalized age, one thing becomes apparent: jobs are being eliminated by the minute. New technologies are doing human jobs more quickly, efficiently and correctly. Machines make no errors. But now, robots are replacing a different sector of the human workforce – knowledge.
There is one thing that machines do not possess, though: human creativity. The power of thoughts, ideas and emotions is something only humans possess. A machine cannot solve complex problems via deeply concentrated, innovative thought. They cannot evolve in the same way humans do because their brain capacity doesn’t extend beyond numbers and logic. Simply put, humans have talent.
“It’s evident that the world is changing quite fast. We need to focus on securing the right kind of talent for the future. Talentism is winning […]
MYTH 1: Staffing agencies take commission fee from my salary because I am a temporary agency worker (TAW). As a TAW I do not have social guarantees compared to permanent employees.
BUSTED: Temporary agency work is based on a unique, triangular work relationship, in which the responsibilities and duties of all parties involved are clearly defined. You will have your employment relationship always fixed in accordance with local legislation. It is not permitted to take a fee for being a TAW.
MYTH 2: Usually the clients of staffing agencies are untrustworthy and want to employ cheap labour.
BUSTED: We always check our clients before collaborating with them in order to guarantee security, ethical behaviour and trustworthiness to our employees and partners.
MYTH 3: As a TAW I cannot be certain to receive my salary in time and usually temporary agency worker`s incomes are ir […]
How to identify, evaluate, develop and motivate high potentials within your organization?
How to create a pool of candidates able to quickly occupy leadership roles?
The e-book 'How to Unleash the High Potential Talent in your Organization? " is a compilation of blogs, experiences and best practices related to talent management written by Right Management experts worldwide.
In our e-book, we provide concrete answers to the following questions:
- How to identify, assess and developer top talent (high potential)?
- What is the difference between a high potential and a top performer?
- How to build a reservoir of talent and leaders?
- And a lot more! Check out the ebook here: eBook
Hoia end kursis meie tööpakkumiste ja teiste kasulike teadetega ka Facebookis ja LinkedIn-s.
Keep yourself updated also on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Important! This post is updated every now and then with even more tips!
You can find the useful blog post HERE. It gives a thorough overview of what and where you need to do when moving to Estonia and finding a job. It mainly focuses on IT sector but it will be surely of great help for others too!
Also, to welcome all the newcomers and help them settle in smoothly, Estonian Investment Agency has published a special handbook "Destination: Estonia – Relocation Guide". Check it out HERE.
Among many other things you will probably need a local bank account. Here you can find more about it (what you need for this and what needs to be done).
Two main websites for finding accommodation are - KV and city24.
All our job offers are available on our homepage: www.manpower.ee/
Useful tip: Like us on Facebook and follow us on LinkedIn to easily keep […]