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As a novel service, Manpower offers the creation of an employer’s branding concept, consisting of analysis, messages, and an action plan, with the help of communication specialists.

A strong employer brand helps the company differ from the competition and achieve an advantage on the labour market. An attractive brand sparks interest and trust, as well as keeps employees inside the company, reducing recruitment costs and staff turnover.



In the creation of the analysis we organize a survey amongst the company’s employees and perform individual interviews with key personnel. The goal of the survey and interviews is to unfold the primary reasons and motivation of existing employees behind beginning work and working in the company, along with the most important shortcomings and opportunities. In addition we map the values and expectations of target groups of your choosing and analyse the current branding communication of your company. 


Based on an analysis of both the internal- and external environment we offer potential primary- and secondary core messages for your various target audiences that you can use in future communication. Additionally we also formulate a short and memorable catch phrase to summarize your branding.

Action plan

In addition to analysis, messages, and a catch phrase, we create an action plan for the employer’s branding alongside communication specialists. The action plan offers concrete topics and actions for the reinforcement of your employer brand.


"Väga hindan, et tegemist oli rätsepalahendusega, st konsultant lähtus Outplacement teenuse osutamisel minu tänasest vajadusest. Soovitan!"

Mariliis Karus, Stora Enso Eesti AS, People Advisor

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